Friday, July 21, 2006

Concert: Ryan Cabrera

Greta was good enough to accompany me to last night's Ryan Cabrera concert at the 930 club.

I know you're wondering why I went to a Ryan Cabrera concert, but this text message conversation with Joey should clear that all up:

theAlphaJohn: The concert I'm at will be immortilized in the MySpace blogs of all 20 girls in attendance.
Joey: What concert?
theAlphaJohn: Ryan Cabrera
Joey: Why are you at a Ryan Cabrera concert?!?1
theAlphaJohn: I bought tickets like the rest of the Gilmore Girls.

This was the least attended show I have ever seen at 930 Club, I would love to know what the drop count was. That said, greta and I arrived for the second opener and didn't have to fight any of the tweens to get a beer at the bar.

Cabrera did a great set, he plowed through his entire catalog of songs (which isn't that big to begin with) and has a surprisingly solid stage presence. He does, however, have this funny mannerism when we takes a drink of his water. It's very "Ace Ventura", hard to describe.

The guy has musical talent, that's for sure. He switched guitars almost every song, and at one point he took over the drum set for a rousing finish. He excused the band and played the piano with a guest vocalist and cello player:

If he would just lose the vneck tee shirt, I'd give the concert an A.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Two things: First, I am vaguely aware that we spoke while I was out at a bar Friday night watching arguably the worst cover band in history perform. I'm not sure I heard you correctly but I think you're coming home today.. call me LOL Secondly, I still can't figure out why you were at a Ryan Cabrera concert. LOL But I loved this blog... so much. Love you, miss you, and your kitties... Love, J