Wednesday, February 08, 2006

BREAKING NEWS: DC City Council does something

Besides ban smoking, that is.

I'll admit, I haven't been paying attention to the National's stadium deal except the bits and pieces I pick up in the news. I made it to one game this past season with Joey and Andrew which promptly ended their winning streak. Suffice to say, I've stayed away.

After voting "No" yesterday to the latest stadium lease, the DC Council (motto: Until I get some bling you don't get nothing) voted four hours later to approve the deal with a spending cap. No word yet as to whether MLB will approve the lease or not.

How is it that we live in a town full of aspiring politicians -- little mutant hill staffers and aides who think they know everything and can change the world -- and yet none of them have made a push to get into DC politics (or shit, even Baltimore politics)? How hard could it possibly be to take over 9 wards and the Mayor's seat in DC?

I know there are people out there with polysci degrees or that are simply more well read than I am (like that's hard) that are like "you're out of your skull", but c'mon. If we can install puppet governments around the world, shouldn't a bunch of 20-something martini drinkers who fetch their Senator's lunch be able to turn this shit around? As an incentive, your victory celebration could be conducted in THE MOBILE COMMAND CENTER.

It will be like Space Camp, only with black people in it.

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