Friday, July 13, 2007

Washington City Paper investigates LNS

The Washington City Paper, a publication I rarely read because I can only do so in one sitting, featured this article about Late Night Shots:

The three guys sitting at the bar at Town Hall in Georgetown swear it's a true story: A friend of theirs called a buddy in the middle of a sexual conquest, placing his cell phone out of view. When the voice mail picked up, it recorded him asking his lady, "You like that Republican cock?"

Then the bearded one in the middle busts out with this: "Do you like anal sex?" I squint. I'm confused. "Do you do anal?" he repeats, head bobbing with excitement. The litany continues. Do I want to take it in the ass? Have I ever taken it in the ass? My silence is taken as an affirmative and he announces that this interview will go no further unless he receives a hand job. I retreat into a hole carved out during similar sessions in high school and head for the door.


There are excellent write ups about it on Jezebel and sister site Wonkette (who regularly takes shots at LNS).

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