Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Use your meal plan, buy a breakfast sandwich from Burger King, and throw it right in Diane Sawyer's botox-mummy face

The Chair of the Staff Senate sent out this email a few minutes ago:

Be on Good Morning America this Friday, March 31!

If there was ever a time Mason needed you it is now......

Good Morning America wants to do a piece from our campus on Friday morning!! I need students to be here to talk to them and show off our awesome spirit!

What does this mean?:
Be at the JC food court at 7:00am, March 31!!
Please, please, please, pass this on to your committees and anyone else you know.

It's the chance to be on national TV, talk on TV, and scream your spirited head off!

Alright, we passed campy a few miles back. We live 20 miles from Washington, DC. It's not like we're from third-world city like Sheboyan and have never seen a big-city TV news camera.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hahahaha!! 7:00 is too early for school spirit. It's too early for anything.